School of Marine and Environmental Programs 奖状

Photo of U N E student Katie Bergin

I chose UNE because of its strong aquaculture major. I wanted to learn from the best, and I was able to do that with my UNE education.

photo of Isaac Randall with black background

If you're going for anything that's marine based, [UNE] is a really great location.


Headshot of U N E student Viriginia May

I absolutely love the faculty for the environmental science programs. They’re such a great group of teachers, professionals, and human beings.

Headshot of U N E student Ari Telzerow

[While I was] researching schools with strong marine and environmental programs, UNE came up at the top of the list because of its diverse marine curriculum with so many fields to focus on.

Headshot of U N E student Ashlee Griffith

My internship helped me apply the knowledge my UNE classes have given me outside of the classroom. I was able to compare my first-hand experience to things I learned in class at UNE.

Animal Behavior, 海洋科学s (Marine Biology Track)

What’s nice about my environmental classes is that they are so applied. I get a broad understanding of environmental problems but also how to apply them in a business sense.

Headshot of U N E 海洋科学s student Elena Shipley

在其他学校, it may be difficult to get into research and fieldwork experience during undergrad, but I was able to find myself in a lab my first semester.

Animal Behavior, 海洋科学s (Marine Biology Track)
Headshot of U N E student Will Szumita

I think the best part about UNE’s marine science program is that you get so much out of your education, and a lot of it is far beyond just reading from a textbook.

Animal Behavior, 海洋科学s (Marine Biology Track)
Olivia Scott stands smiling at the camera holding her handmade ceramics

[The research I participated in] made me feel like I can make change — like I am part of a much bigger purpose.

Biological 科学s, 环境科学

Everyone made me feel involved in the program on a personal level rather than strictly an academic one. Every faculty member cares so much...它培养了一个伟大的社区.

Animal Behavior, 环境科学

It’s easy to get access to what you want to do at UNE, 如果你有主意, the professors and staff want to work with you.


The ultimate goal of the class was to travel to Kenya to put our classroom learning to use in a hands-on setting. 我们就是这么做的.

业务 Administration, Environmental Studies, Political 科学

The environmental department is my favorite part of UNE. Everyone I've met has been great to me. It’s cool finding that niche where you are friends with people who you can also work together with.

环境科学, Environmental Studies

我在丹吉尔的学期, Morocco gave me a love of travel and a travel course — snorkeling among coral reefs in Belize — gave me a career path.
